ELMS provide services to manage vegetation, be that using machines, the hands of our skilled operators or where necessary, chemical.
Tree, Scrub and Vegetation Management
Sensitive land management operations across aquatic, terrestrial and marginal habitats.
Our expertise includes both manual and motor clearance with low ground pressure mechanised clearance for larger more accessible clearance works. ​
We also conduct follow up chemical treatment of scrub including knapsack spraying and can advise on alternative methods of regrowth control if you favour an alternative approach to chemical treatment.
Vegetation Management Services
Scrub and vegetation management for peatland, roadsides and woodlands.
Invasive species control including Rhododendron, Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam removal and eradication
Tree, hedge and understory planting, seeding and ongoing maintenance.
Habitat surveys, enhancements, creation and restoration
Sensitive sites such as NNR's, SSSI's and SAC's.